Wellbeing Link Governor

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on governing bodies of maintained schools to promote wellbeing. Wellbeing is defined in the Children Act 2004 as:
- physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing;
- protection from harm and neglect;
- education, training and recreation;
- the contribution children make to society; and
- social and economic wellbeing.

The governing body also has a duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees as far as reasonably practicable. The governing body should also look after their own wellbeing, both individually, and collectively. It may be helpful for the governing body to appoint a link governor for wellbeing who will support the school, and assist the governing body to have a better understanding and knowledge of this area within the school.

The role may include:

  • ensuring that the school has policies and procedures in place for the following:
    - promoting good behavior and discipline among pupils (including anti-bullying);
    - how pupils / staff can raise their concerns at the school;
    - child protection;
    - dealing with allegations of misconduct against staff, including child protection allegations;
    - health and safety;
    and that these are reviewed by the governing body;
  • reporting to the relevant committee and / or the governing body on the effectiveness of the policies and keeping the governing body informed of any issues;
  • ensuring that, under Section 176 of the Education 2002 Act, the governing body consults with pupils about matters that affect them;
  • ensuring that there is a range of strategies for involving staff in school decision making processes;
  • ensuring that new staff members have an effective induction programme;
  • ensuring that staff have the opportunities for continuing professional development;
  • ensuring the relevant staff have the required planning and preparation time allocated;
  • monitoring the headteacher’s worklife balance;
  • helping with the evaluation of wellbeing at the school, as part of the governing body self-evaluation process;
  • ensuring that new governors have an effective induction programme and have a mentor governor allocated to them;
  • working to ensure that governors are “linked” to appropriate areas and appointed to the right committees depending on their skills and experience;
  • helping to conduct a governor self-review which should include governor wellbeing;
  • considering and discussing ways of supporting governors and developing good team working across all areas of governance;
  • ensuring that the school council has been given the opportunity to nominate up to two members from Years 11-13 (inclusive) to be associate pupil governors on the governing body (secondary schools);
  • attending meetings of the school council (if appropriate);
  • ensuring that school meals meet current healthy eating standards;
  • ensuring that pupils with additional needs (learning / health / SEN/ALN / young carers) have the necessary support systems in place;
  • working with the ALN / SEN, child protection and pupil attendance link governors (where appropriate);
  • ensuring that the school complies with its duties under section 43, 44 and 45 of the Education Act 1997 (as amended) in the provision of careers education, information and advice (secondary schools);
  • promoting community cohesion and inclusive practice relating to race, gender and disability equality;
  • involvement in parental and community liaison;
  • keeping knowledge up to date with relevant guidance and by attending Local Authority governor training.

For more information on wellbeing, have a read of the GCS Wellbeing Toolkit

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Sam MacNamara – 07943 887275 / Jane Morris – 07957 969708