Additional Learning Needs Code and Regulations (2022)
Anti-Bullying Guidance – Rights, Respect, Equality: Guidance for Schools (2019)
Capability of Headteachers – Guidance for Schools (2014)
Capability of School Teaching Staff – Guidance for Schools (2013)
Charging for school activities: guidance for governing bodies and head teachers (2015)
Charities and charity trustees: guidance for school governors (2019)
Community Focused Schools (2023)
Disciplinary and dismissal procedures for school staff (2020)
Educational Visits and Outdoor Learning
Education guidance to support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and young people (2023)
Emergency planning and response guidance for education and childcare settings
Health and wellbeing in schools
Exclusion from Schools and Pupil Referral Units (2024)
Family and Community Engagement Toolkit for Schools (2015)
Federation Process of Maintained Schools in Wales (2023)
Free Breakfast in Primary Schools Scheme: Statutory Guidance (2022)
Substance misuse education: guidance (2013)
Handling Allegations of Abuse Against Teachers and Other Staff (2014)
Healthy Eating in Maintained Schools : Statutory Guidance (2014)
Inclusion and Pupil Support (2016)
Induction training for school governors: guidance (2024)
National Model for Regional Working (2014)
Opening Schools in Extreme Bad Weather (2022)
Parents and parental responsibility: guidance for schools (2021)
Parent meetings: guidance for governing bodies (2013)
Partnership Agreements: Guidance for Local Authorities and Schools (2008)
Penalty Notices for Regular Non-Attendance (2013)
Procedures for Reporting Misconduct and Incompetence in the Education Workforce In Wales (2015)
Professional Development Review guidance (2024)
Protection of Biometric Information in Schools and Further Education Institutions (2022)
Pupil Development Grant – Guidance (2024)
Raising the Ambitions And Educational Attainment of Children who are Looked After (2016)
Regulations about Reporting School And Pupil Information (2023)
Respect and Resilience: Developing Community Cohesion (2011)
Rewriting The Future : Raising Ambition and Attainment in Welsh Schools (2014)
Safe and effective intervention: guidance for schools and local authorities (2013)
School buildings and technology
School Complaints Procedures: guidance (2022)
School improvement guidance: framework for evaluation, improvement and accountability (2022)
School Organisation Code (2018)
School Prospectuses: Guidance for Headteachers & Governing Bodies (2001)
School Toilets: Good Practice Guidance (2012)
School uniform and appearance: policy guidance for governing bodies (2023)
School Workforce Attendance: Guidance (2020)
Schools Causing Concern – Guidance for Schools and Local Authorities (2017)
Support for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in educational settings
Supporting Learners with Healthcare Needs (2018)
Training for chairs of governors in Wales (2024)
Training for school governing body clerks: guidance (2015)
Training for school governors: understanding school data (2020)
01443 844532 / 029 2075 3685
[email protected]
Sam MacNamara – 07943 887275 / Jane Morris – 07957 969708