Arfer Effeithiol

Yma fe fyddwch yn darganfod arfer effeithiol o amrediad o ffynonellau a allai eich helpu ar eich taith i ddod yn gorff llywodraethu ardderchog.

Offeryn Hunanwerthuso Corff Llywodraethu Digidol

Mae’r e-becyn cymorth yn eich galluogi i adolygu y ffordd y mae eich corff llywodraethu yn gweithio i nodi cryfderau a meysydd ar gyfer gwelliant. Mae hwn yn ddarpariaeth arloesol yn seiliedig o amgylch fframwaith arolygu Estyn a fydd yn helpu eich corff llywodraethu i wella ei wybodaeth a’i effeithlonrwydd mewn dull syml. Gellir uwchlwytho dogfennau allweddol yn hawdd a’u rhannu gyda chyd lywodraethwyr. Gellir cwblhau adrannau o’r pecyn cymorth ar unrhyw adeg sydd yn gyfleus i’ch corff llywodraethu. Y ffi blynyddol ydy £46.99 a TAW.

Llanwch y ffurflen hon ddechrau eich proses hunanwerthuso a chael mynediad at yr offeryn hwn

Polisïau enghreifftiol cenedlaethol

Camddefnyddio sylweddau – Llywodraeth Cymru Diogelwch ar-lein, yn cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol – SWGfL

Chwythu’r chwiban – Llywodraeth Cymru Gweithdrefnau cwyno ysgolion – Llywodraeth Cymru

Codi tâl am weithgareddau ysgol – Llywodraeth Cymru Gweithdrefnau disgyblu a diswyddo staff ysgol – Llywodraeth Cymru

Toiledau ysgol – Llywodraeth Cymru Polisi presenoldeb ysgol: templedi i ysgolion – Llywodraeth Cymru


Ysgol Stryd y Rhos, Sir Ddinbych – Creu fframwaith strategol Cyfranogiad disgyblion: canllaw arfer orau

Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Llansannor, Bro Morgannwg – Arweinyddiaeth gryf a chynlluniau strategol ar gyfer gwella’r ysgol Ysgol Gynradd Trinant, Caerffili – Corff llywodraethol yn helpu cryfhau gwelliant ysgol

Ysgol Gynradd Glasllwch, Casnewydd – Defnyddio arweinyddiaeth wasgaredig i yrru gwelliant Ysgol Gynradd Bontnewydd, Gwynedd – Cynorthwyo llywodraethwyr i gyflawni eu rôl yn fwy effeithiol

Adroddiadau Arolygu Estyn – Arweinyddiaeth (Llywodraethwyr) – gan Medi 2022

Ysgol Caer Elen, Sir Penfro (2023)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn brofiadol a theyrngar ac yn gwarchod buddiannau’r ysgol yn ofalus. Mae ganddynt ddealltwriaeth lawn o rôl yr ysgol i gynnig darpariaeth addysg Gymraeg i’w chymuned. Meddant ar wybodaeth gynhwysfawr am ei chryfderau a’i meysydd i’w gwella ac mae ganddynt ddealltwriaeth sicr o flaenoriaethau gwella’r ysgol. Defnyddiant y wybodaeth hon yn effeithiol i herio’r uwch dîm arwain ar nifer o faterion pwysig. Mae ganddynt gysylltiadau defnyddiol â meysydd dysgu a phrofiad penodol ac maent yn defnyddio eu harbenigeddau i weithredu fel cyfaill beirniadol i arweinwyr canol. Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn cymryd y cyfrifoldeb i sicrhau trefniadau priodol ar gyfer bwyta ac yfed iach.

Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd, Pen y Bont (2023)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn cynnig cefnogaeth gref i holl waith yr ysgol. Dan arweiniad cadarn y cadeirydd a’r is-gadeirydd, mae’r corff llywodraethol yn wybodus iawn am gryfderau a meysydd gwella’r ysgol. Mae ganddynt afael da ar y prif flaenoriaethau ac maent yn chwarae rhan allweddol wrth osod cyfeiriad strategol yr ysgol. Drwyddi draw, maent yn gweithredu’n effeithiol yn eu rôl fel cyfaill beirniadol gan herio uwch arweinwyr ac arweinwyr canol ar faterion pwysig pan fydd yn briodol. Maent yn gweithredu eu rôl statudol i hyrwyddo bwyta ac yfed yn iach yn effeithiol.

Ysgol Gyfun Trefynwy, Sir Fynwy (2023)
Mae llywodraethwyr yn gefnogol iawn i’r ysgol ac yn darparu her briodol o addas i’r holl arweinwyr. Maent yn aelodau balch o gymuned yr ysgol ac yn cyflawni eu dyletswyddau’n ddiwyd, gan gyfrannu’n gadarnhaol at gyfeiriad strategol yr ysgol. Maent wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod yr ysgol yn hyrwyddo bwyta ac yfed yn iach yn briodol.

Ysgol Gynradd Casllwchwr, Abertawe (2023)
The governing body is well informed and effective in its role in supporting the school. Members use their skills and expertise to ask professional questions and provide valuable guidance to school leaders and staff. They undertake a variety of relevant monitoring and evaluation though their sub-committees’ activities and have sound knowledge of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. They value the work of the whole staff and are particularly proud of the role they play in supporting the needs of the local community. Governors make appropriate arrangements for healthy eating and drinking and support leaders to manage finances effectively in line with the school’s priorities. With the support of the headteacher, they monitor the budget prudently and support staff to ensure that they have high quality resources to best meet the needs of learners.

Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas, Caerdydd (2023)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn wybodus ac yn effeithiol yn ei rôl yn cefnogi’r ysgol. Mae aelodau’n defnyddio eu hystod eang o fedrau ac arbenigedd i ddarparu cymorth,
arweiniad a her werthfawr i arweinwyr a staff yr ysgol. Maent yn gwerthfawrogi gwaith pob un o’r staff ac yn falch iawn o natur gynhwysol yr ysgol a’r rôl mae’n ei chwarae yn cefnogi anghenion y gymuned leol. Mae llywodraethwyr yn gwneud trefniadau priodol ar gyfer bwyta ac yfed yn iach ac yn cynorthwyo arweinwyr i reoli cyllid yn effeithiol yn unol â blaenoriaethau’r ysgol.

Ysgol Gynradd Gwyrosydd, Abertawe (2023)
Governors understand the school’s strengths and challenges well. They are aware of the impact periods of uncertainty around leadership are having on the school. Governors work well with the acting headteacher, for example through supporting the development of an extended senior leadership team. They are beginning to resume their roles as part of staff teams that are developing areas of the curriculum. Governors understand the school’s main developmental priorities and why they are a focus for improvement. They are aware of the school’s financial position and plan ahead their spending priorities. They understand their statutory duties for ensuring healthy eating and drinking and, as a result, made changes to the school’s tuckshop.

“*Ysgol Gynradd Llandeilo, Sir Gar (2023)*
Governors have a secure understanding of the schools’ strengths and areas for development. They take an active role in school life and self-evaluation and challenge the school to ensure provision is robust. For example, governors challenge the school on provision to develop higher order reading skills and challenge for more able pupils. Governors actively support senior leaders to discharge their responsibilities and ensure staff development and well-being is a priority. For example, governors take a lead on ensuring that all statutory policies are reviewed and ratified, which allows senior leaders time to focus on developing teaching and learning. Governors monitor spending robustly and prioritise provision for pupils. Governors ensure that the school complies with heathy food and drink legislation. Governors work with school leaders to ensure a robust safeguarding culture.

Ysgol Gynradd Radnor Valley, Powys (2023)
The governing body is highly effective in its support for the school. Governors are regularly involved in self-evaluation processes, undertaking monitoring activities in partnership with the headteacher, teachers and pupils. They have a good understanding of the school’s priorities for improvement and are beginning to challenge leaders successfully as a critical friend and suggest changes to better support the needs of learners. The partnership work between governors and pupils is a strength of the school. Governors make time to gather pupils’ opinions on the life of the school and their learning experiences and support them when change is needed. The headteacher and governors monitor spending plans and their impact efficiently. The school allocates its grant funding effectively to ensure equity of experience for all pupils. For example, the school uses the pupil development grant to put in place a range of measures to address the impact of poverty, such as the use of additional staff to support learning through intervention groups.

Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru St Pauls, Caerdydd (2023)
The governing body knows the school well and provides effective support and challenge for school leaders. Governors have an effective understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development. For example, they know that the strong shared values and inclusive ethos of the school is a strength, and they monitor the impact of interventions on pupil progress. The governing body has appropriate committees in place to meet the needs of the school and its statutory obligations. Governors have a good understanding of the school’s finances, which allows them to keep track of spending and make decisions that contribute to improving provision for pupils. Governors are proactive and know the school community well. For example, they meet with parents to discuss the school’s revised relationships and sexuality education (RSE) curriculum and, as a result, answer parents’ questions and concerns successfully. Governors ensure a strong culture of safeguarding in the school and promote healthy eating and drinking effectively.

Ysgol Gynradd Wirfoddol a Reolir Spittal, Sir Penfro
The input of governors, through sub-committees and the full governing body, creates positive improvements across the school. The governors are supportive of the school and hold the senior leadership team to account as critical friends. The headteacher and senior teacher inform governors accurately about pupils’ learning and they consider how to improve provision thoughtfully. This includes funding wordless books to develop storytelling and outdoor clothing. Governors promote effective practices to ensure that pupils eat and drink healthily and leaders advise parents on the importance of nutritious food in their lunchboxes. Governors monitor the budget regularly and ensure that decisions on expenditure align with the school’s priorities for improvement, such as developing adult support within the classroom for pupils with additional needs.

Ysgol Maes Owen, Conwy (2023)
Governors know the school well and their regular input creates systematic improvements throughout the school. They are supportive of the headteacher and hold her and other senior leaders to account as critical friends. The headteacher informs governors about pupils’ learning regularly and advises them realistically on how to improve provision, such as creating a library and nurture areas to promote pupils’ learning and well-being. Governors develop a sound first-hand understanding of the school’s activities. Alongside teachers, they undertake learning walks and discuss pupils’ work to measure its quality. This promotes a valuable understanding of the school’s current work. Governors monitor the budget carefully. They ensure that spending decisions, over well-planned timescales, are in line with the school’s priorities for improvement, such as investments in digital hardware, outdoor equipment and reading resources.

Adroddiadau Arolygu Estyn – Arweinyddiaeth (Llywodraethwyr)

Ysgol Bryn Derw, Casnewydd (2020)
The governing body consists of highly committed members with a variety of relevant skills and experience. The school benefits greatly from their contribution. They provide extremely effective support and challenge for the school. In addition to full governing body and sub-committee meetings, governors take part in beneficial quality assurance activities, including learning walks and work scrutiny and projects such as looking at transport issues. This project resulted in training for taxi drivers. Governors have a clear understanding of national priorities, and the work that the school is doing in relation to these, including the curriculum for Wales and the ALN Act. Headteacher reports to the governing body are strategic and highly informative, with a clear focus on data. Governors provide robust challenge.

Ysgol Bryngwyn, Sir Gaerfyrddin (2017)
Mae’r ffordd y caiff y ffederasiwn ei lywodraethu yn gryfder sylweddol. Mae gan lywodraethwyr ddealltwriaeth fanwl o berfformiad y ddwy ysgol, ac maent yn darparu lefelau uchel o gymorth a her i’r ffederasiwn. Gwnânt gyfraniad effeithiol at brosesau hunanarfarnu a chynllunio gwelliant y ffederasiwn. Defnyddir profiad ac arbenigedd llywodraethwyr yn dda i gefnogi llawer o agweddau ar ddarpariaeth y ffederasiwn. Mae llywodraethwyr unigol yn gysylltiedig â meysydd pwnc ac agweddau penodol eraill ar ddarpariaeth yr ysgolion, ac mae hyn yn rhoi cymorth gwerthfawr i arweinwyr canol.

Ysgol Brynrefail, Gwynedd (2020)
Mae aelodau’r corff llywodraethol yn brofiadol iawn a gwneir defnydd effeithiol o’u harbenigeddau i gefnogi ac i herio’r ysgol. Drwy’r is-bwyllgorau gweithgar a thrwy eu cyfarfodydd cyswllt gwerthfawr gydag adrannau, mae gan y llywodraethwyr ddealltwriaeth glir o gryfderau’r ysgol a’r meysydd i’w gwella. Maent yn chwarae rhan flaenllaw yn pennu cyfeiriad strategol yr ysgol ac yn parhau i herio’r ysgol er mwyn gwella’r ychydig o feysydd lle ceir tanberfformio. Maent yn cynnal adolygiad blynyddol o’u gwaith er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cyfrannu’n fuddiol at waith yr ysgol.

Ysgol Fabanod Bedwas, Caerffili (2020)
The governing body is highly supportive of the school. Many governors undertake monitoring activities that enable them to engage fully in discussion, particularly about pupils’ wellbeing. This ensures that governors have a very good understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development, enabling them to challenge the school successfully to improve standards and ensure provision of high quality.

Ysgol Gyfun y Bont-faen, Bro Morgannwg (2019)
Governors play an important role in setting the school’s strategic vision. They have a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and improvement priorities, and offer valuable support and challenge to leaders.

Ysgol Gynradd Barry Island, Bro Morgannwg (2020)
Governors understand their roles and responsibilities well. They conduct effective termly and sub-committee meetings. They link, according to their strengths, to specific curriculum areas. For example, governors responsible for literacy or wellbeing foster useful links with the relevant school staff to monitor the development of their areas of responsibility. As a result most governors have a good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. They are very supportive of the school and contribute successfully to the self-evaluation process through looking at pupils’ work, taking part in learning walks and through interviews with curriculum leaders. Leaders and governors monitor the budget effectively and ensure that the school secures value for money. They make prudent decisions to ensure that financial planning conforms to regulations and meets the needs of the school.

Ysgol Gynradd Clwyd, Abertawe (2022)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn deall ac yn cyflawni ei ddyletswyddau’n effeithiol. Mae gan lywodraethwyr ddealltwriaeth gadarn o flaenoriaethau’r ysgol a’r sail resymegol y tu ôl iddynt. Maent yn deall eu rôl o ran cynorthwyo’r ysgol i roi ei strategaeth wella ar waith. Mae cadeirydd y llywodraethwyr yn gyfrifol am y ganolfan blant sy’n gysylltiedig â’r ysgol, ac mae hyn yn hyrwyddo cydweithio cadarnhaol â’r lleoliad cyn-ysgol. Mae llywodraethwyr yn cyfrannu’n briodol ar weithgarwch monitro ac mae hyn yn eu helpu i sicrhau bod ganddynt wybodaeth gyfredol am gynnydd yr ysgol wrth roi gwaith gwella ar waith. Maent yn sicrhau bod gan yr ysgol drefniadau priodol i hyrwyddo bwyta ac yfed yn iach.

Ysgol Gynradd Glasllwch, Casnewydd (2019)
Leaders, staff, governors and pupils have key roles within the school’s self-evaluation processes. Leaders have grouped staff and governors into teams based on the six areas of learning in the new curriculum for Wales. A notable feature of the school improvement process is the way in which staff collaborate with learners, parents, governors and staff from other local schools and colleges, for example as the lead school for the Pupil Participation Learning Network. This supports the school well as a highly effective learning organisation. Governors use an effective system to identify the skills of individual governors that enables each governor to use their particular skills very well in support of the school. For example, governors use their specific expertise to improve provision in Welsh, the DCF and coding skills. They provide purposeful challenge to school leaders, where needed, for example, when ensuring that health and safety is a high priority and taking part in regular health and safety checks.

Ysgol Gynradd Nant y Parc, Caerffili (2019)
Governors know the school well and play a key role in ensuring an effective strategic direction for the school. Their strategic input into self-evaluation procedures is highly effective. Learning walks and regular visits to school by governors have enhanced their knowledge of the school, based on first-hand knowledge. The headteacher and senior leaders provide regular, detailed reports and presentations to governors, outlining the work of the school. As a result, the governing body has a thorough understanding of the school’s performance, enabling it to act as an effective critical friend. The headteacher and governing body manage the school’s budget rigorously and purchase resources effectively to enrich the curriculum and to raise pupils’ standards.

Ysgol Gynradd Oakfield, Caerdydd (2019)
The governing body is very supportive of the school and governors undertake their responsibilities conscientiously. They regularly undertake monitoring and evaluation tasks and, as a result, they have a very good understanding of the school’s main strengths and areas for improvement. There is an excellent balance between support and challenge in the way governors undertake their role as critical friends and hold senior leaders to account. The headteacher and governors manage the school’s budget well. They make efficient funding decisions in order to respond to the school’s needs. The school makes very effective use of additional funding, for example, to increase resources, such as ICT equipment, and to improve the outdoor areas, which impact positively on pupils’ skills and wellbeing.

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer, Abertawe (2019)
Governors contribute positively to the life and work of the school. They regularly visit the school to undertake supportive activities, for example to consider pupils’ progress in developing their digital skills to create databases. This work provides governors with a secure understanding of the school’s strengths and areas it is working to improve. Governors keep progress against improvement priorities under review. They provide the school’s leaders with a good balance of support and challenge.

Ysgol Gynradd Pontnewydd, Torfaen (2022)
Senior leaders and governors at Pontnewydd Primary School provide clear strategic direction for the development of the school. They work successfully with parents, pupils and staff to set the school’s vision, evaluate the quality of provision and plan and deliver improvements.The role of the governing body in supporting and challenging the work of the school is highly effective. Governors bring a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience, which they use well to support the school. For example, one governor provided chaplaincy support to pupils and staff as they dealt with the impact of the pandemic. As a result of frequent engagement with staff through their link governor work and regular visits to the school, governors have a clear understanding of the quality of provision and the challenges that the school faces. They support the school to manage and deploy its resources effectively, including the use of the pupil development grant. They work with leaders to ensure that suitable policies and procedures are in in place to promote the importance of healthy eating and drinking among pupils.

Ysgol Gynradd Rogerstone, Casnewydd (2020)
Members of the governing body know the school well and undertake their roles effectively. Governors have valuable professional expertise and a varied range of interests, which they use purposefully to support the school. Governors have a sound knowledge of the school’s performance data and its strengths and areas for development. Individual governors support the school’s activities effectively. For example, they undertake regular learning walks and hold meetings with pupils to gather information about the impact of school initiatives. As a result, governors challenge the leadership team effectively as critical friends and hold the school suitably to account for its performance.

Ysgol Gynradd St. Philip Evans, Caerdydd (2019)
Governors have a very good understanding of the school’s work and discharge their responsibilities productively. They participate effectively in setting the school’s strategic priorities and in monitoring progress against improvement targets. They undertake high quality monitoring and evaluation tasks, and hence have a very good understanding of the school’s main strengths and areas for improvement. There is an effective balance between support and challenge in the way governors discharge their role in holding the senior leaders to account.

Ysgol Gynradd Talsarnau, Gwynedd (2020)
Caiff yr ysgol gefnogaeth dda iawn gan y llywodraethwyr. Maent hwythau hefyd yn cymryd rhan weithredol mewn weithdrefnau hunanwerthuso cynhwysfawr sy’n eu galluogi i adnabod cryfderau’r ysgol a’r rhan fwyaf o feysydd i’w gwella yn effeithiol. Mae eu harfer o fonitro a chasglu tystiolaeth ar ansawdd y ddarpariaeth a chyflawniad disgyblion yn eu cynorthwyo i ddod i farn glir a chywir ar safonau gwaith a chyrhaeddiad disgyblion. O ganlyniad, mae rôl strategol y llywodraethwyr fel cyfeillion beirniadol yn datblygu’n llwyddiannus iawn ac yn eu galluogi i herio’r ysgol am ei pherfformiad yn gydwybodol ac effeithiol.

Ysgol Gynradd Trinant, Powys (2019)
Members of the governing body are enthusiastic, supportive and take a detailed interest in the work of the school. They are very knowledgeable about the school’s strengths and improvement priorities. Their role in self-evaluation is well developed and allows them to contribute effectively to the school’s strategic decision-making. For instance, the member of the governing body identified as the ‘self-evaluation champion’, visits the school each month to work with staff to monitor the progress of the school’s improvement priorities. The governing body takes an active role in formulating school improvement actions and is involved directly in working with senior leaders to write aspects of the school development plan.

Ysgol Gynradd Ynysowen, Merthur Tudfil (2019)
An excellent feature is the way the governing body provides constructive support, challenge and valuable professional expertise for the school. Governors have an exceptional understanding of the school’s performance, guidance and finances. They visit the school regularly and support both pupils and teachers to monitor and focus on the school’s priorities and progress. They receive exemplary reports from the headteacher about the development and progress of the schools’ plans for improvement. They know the school exceptionally well and their strategic input into all areas of school life is highly effective. Another innovative practice of the governing body’s work is that it has established a forum for governing bodies from other local schools to share and work collaboratively on good practice.

Ysgol Tregarth, Gwynedd (2020)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn gefnogol iawn i waith yr ysgol. Trwy gydweithio effeithiol â’r staff a thrafod enghreifftiau o waith disgyblion, mae gan lywodraethwyr ddealltwriaeth dda o gryfderau’r ysgol a’r meysydd i’w gwella. Defnyddiant y wybodaeth hon yn drwyadl i wneud penderfyniadau wrth osod cyfeiriad strategol i waith yr ysgol. Mae hyn yn eu alluogi i ddwyn yr ysgol i gyfrif a helpu i osod cyfeiriad strategol clir i ddatblygu’r ysgol fel cymuned ddysgu effeithiol iawn.

Ysgol y Foryd, Conwy (2019)
Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn hynod gefnogol i’r ysgol. Mae llawer o lywodraethwyr yn ymgymryd â gweithgareddau monitro sy’n eu galluogi i gymryd rhan yn llawn mewn trafodaethau, yn enwedig am les disgyblion. Mae athrawon neu grwpiau bach o gynorthwywyr addysgu yn ymuno â chyfarfodydd y corff llywodraethol yn rheolaidd, ac yn rhannu agweddau ar eu gwaith. Mae hyn yn sicrhau bod gan lywodraethwyr ddealltwriaeth dda o gryfderau’r ysgol, a’r meysydd i’w datblygu, gan eu galluogi i herio’r ysgol yn llwyddiannus i wella safonau a sicrhau darpariaeth o ansawdd uchel.

Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd, Caerdydd (2019)
Governors know and understand the school’s strengths and areas for improvement well. They support the headteacher and the senior leadership team effectively to deliver their vision for the school. They have the knowledge and expertise to challenge leaders to continually reflect and improve all aspects of the school’s work, when necessary.

Cysylltwch â ni

01443 844532 / 029 2075 3685 [email protected]
Sam MacNamara – 07943 887275 / Jane Morris – 07957 969708